MEOW!!! Haleigh is dressed up in her cute little pink cat costume today. I took pictures for one of my customers who gave us money to spend on Haleigh's first Halloween. Well, Pop-Pop and I had a ball. We went to Walmart and found lots of yummy harvest vegetable babyfood, stuffed sqweeky kitty cat for nappie time, bubbles, juice, baby bottle candy and pacifer sucky thingy, and a cute little Dora T-shirt.

Oh, and her new Disney Princess basket. What fun we had.
Well this week we are getting ready for our camping trip with our fantastic friends, the wild and crazy mountain biking crew, and family.. IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!YEAH!!!YIPPEEE!!!!HOORAY!!!! I'm ready, NOW to leave. There's still so much to prep and get ready for, but well worth the lack of sleep in preparing. This Saturday, Dan and I are going with two of our BFF's (Hee Hee) in the whole wide world (HAW HAW) to the Bok Tower Gardens to see the.....ORLANDO PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA!!!!! A dream come true for me. A first for Dan! I'm very thankful he wants to go. It was his idea two years ago. I have the best husband in all the world!!
We are camping at the Alafia River State Park in Lithia Florida. Anyone ever heard of Lithia? Anyway, it's suppose to have the best off-road biking trails in the state. The park's land is part of an old phosphate mining plant. We will get there on Friday afternoon after the boys get out of school. Then Saturday Dan and I are going to Lake Wales, kid free, for a day of fun. I know, you must be thinking an orchestra, classical music?...UEEWWWWWW!!! Artsy Fartsy stuff, NO THANK YOU!!!! Trust me when I say, there is not one ounce of artsy fartsy in Dan,

O.K. the fartsy, yes, but the artsy, NEVER, and he's still going. Just try and picture this. You're sitting outside in God's arena, among the beautiful gardens as the backdrop adding to the overwhelming anticipation of whats to come. Excitement coarsing through every part of your body , then the curtain begins to open. The excitement intensifies and the music begins to play......THEN!!!!!!! NO words are heard, No sighs are released. Just the sound of many different people, different instruments, all tuned to the one purpose they are their for... to present this beautiful meloudious symphonic story, told and played right before you. WOW!!! Simply breathtaking!! That's what I'm looking forward too. As for Dan, well, I guess he may have the same experience, or he'll just have to let his ears get the cultural shock "Artsy-Fartsy" workout. Either way, it's going to be a day I'll not soon forget.