Can anyone tell me where April went? It seems like May is flying by just as fast.
It's been very busy at work, and though I'm very grateful for the work, when it gets like this, all my days seem to just blend together, it's hard to keep track what the date is. Oh, well, on to more exciting things. Today is my day OFF. Yes, do the happy dance with me, I said TODAY IS MY DAY OFF!!!! YEPEEEEE!!!!! And, tonight, Haleigh is coming over for a sleepover. HOORAY! I'm SOOOOO very exicted.
Hubby has been VERY busy this week as well, Praise God. Needless to say, this week has been very exhausting for both of us, and I've been looking forward to spending the weekend doing nothing but lounging around with the family. A little relaxing would be nice too, however, I'm not sure it will happen this weekend as the laundry seems to have developed a voice and is constantly telling me its needs. UUGGGGG!
Dan and I are going to be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this summer, and we have a few ideas about what to do, but I'd like to know others experiences. What is your most memorable vacation destination? and Why? So far we are going to go camping on Fernandina beach at Fort Clinch for 4 days and nights, YEAH! This is something I've always wanted to do. Right now it looks as if we are going to be sleeping in a tent in the middle of July. I'm VERY excited about this, however, Dan is really praying our finances turn around and we can purchase a pop-up camper before then with A/C. After that, we are pretty much open to whatever. We have a friend who has a house on the beach in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. He said we are more than welcomed to use it as long as we want.
AWESOME! Let me pack my bags and call me when the children have graduated from highschool. JUST KIDDING!!!!CALM DOWN!!!! All this vacation talk has the vacation bug biting me, and after this week, I'm ready for alittle R&R. Anyway, so far that's what's been floating around up in our heads. I applied for trail maintenance on the Appalachian Trail for July.And they accepted my application. As appealing to me as this sounded, Dan was not quite on board as I was. Actually, he was on a totally different boat all together. I thought it sounded wonderful. We combined both our passions into one vacation, and they provided our food,shelter, etc... all we needed to do was get ourselves to Virginia. We would leave headquarters, and get dropped off into the woods where we would HIKE to our camping destination. We would set up base camp there for 7 days and 6 nights, then during the day we would be carving out new trails that would connect to the Appalachian trail, and do some regular trail maintenance on the AT(hauling out logs, cutting down brush, etc...)you know, all that fun stuff people do on vacation. Alright, so it sounds like work, but the food, shelter, etc... provided was VERY appealing, and we both LOOOOOVVVVEEEE hiking and camping. But Dan said some other time, Just not in the summer in a tent.Oh, and there was no running water so i guess no shower maybe for days, but the river was there.Come on, that sounds like something a Maine mountain man would want to do, right? Farewell Appalachian Trail vacation, you'll have to wait till winter. Yes, winter. My husband, being from Maine, loves to hike and camp... IN A TENT IN 30 DEGREE WEATHER. BRRRRR. I would say it was because of his brain cells being exposed to all those years in Maine's frigid temperatures, but I have to admit... It's a passion we both enjoy doing together. For that, I consider myself VERY blessed to share with the man I love. Alright, I hear you, don't lose your lunch, i'm moving on... let me know if you have any ideas. Where's the neatest place you've EVER been? Even on family vacations when you were a kid. We would like to know. Until next time, this Gramzie is going to get ready for Haleigh bug. This time Poppop will have to hold me back. I wonder if Haleigh likes smores? YUMMMY!!!!!
Neatest place? Sailing in the BVIs. I want to go again with Chris so bad! Maybe for our 20-th (only 15 1/2 years to Camping sounds like fun! And not so expensive. Joining in your prayers for the camper w/ AC! Trailbreaking is REALLY hard work. Bugs, ticks, heat, wild animals, bugs, aching muscles and being sticky together in a tent. And then there's beaver fever (giardia!) in the water! Can we spell 'the runs' in the wilderness! P-U! Maybe better with that camper, but what a workout (but definite bonding time, as Gary Smalley would say).
Happy Mother's Day! See you soon! Woo HOO!
Happy Mother's Day, Cindy!
My favorite vacation was definitely my honeymoon trip. Driving to who cares where with the man of my dreams. sigh...
Driving through the back roads of America. Simply beautiful.
You two love birds will have a wonderful time no matter where you end up going. Togetherness, that's the ticket!
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