HELLO EVERYONE!!!! Look at little Haleigh bug. She is growing and changing everyday it seems. I can't keep up with her with my camera. She is 10 weeks old now. O.K. 2 and 1/2 months old. Question?...When do you start to refer to your children and grandchildren in months and years instead of days and weeks? Oh, you want to know how old she is.Well, She's alittle over 70 days now. Or how about her mommy...7029 days old now. AWWWWW! We'll keep how old Gramzie is to myself thank you...Something about answering in weeks just makes Haleigh sound so little. But no matter what I say, whether in days or weeks, the inevitable still happens...Babies grow up to be toddlers, then school age, then teenagers, then adults...

even wives and mothers too. How did that happen...so quickly too.
I enjoy seeing my daughter interact with Haleigh and love all over her. It's precious to watch. She's such a good mommy to Haleigh and Jared is a wonderful father and husband. God's grace is sufficient, thank you Lord for Your plan for our lives.I have to be honest though, I truly thought God had NO clue what He was doing when Kristen and Jared told us they were expecting. I kept thinking about how it was for Dan and I, and I don't want them to struggle like we did.Oh, the stories I could tell...We'll save those for later perhaps. But,once again, I'm reminded that He...God, the creator of the world, the one and only God who loves me,my family, and this world so much that He gave His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us so that we could have eternal life in Christ for those who believe.,He DOES have a plan, even if it doesn't make sense at the time, and if I would only learn to trust Him more, His character, and keep my thoughts focused on Him and His word(BIBLE), I would begin to know Who He really is, and finally understand more about His grace and mercy.
Do I want my family to struggle? Of course not! You don't ever want that for you family. It has me wandering though...Dan and I are going to be celebrating, rejoicing, etc...this summer 20 years of marriage. Yes, 20 years...it doesn't seem that long. The odds were against us. He was 18 and I was 16 when we married. 19 and 17 years old when we had Kristen. I was still in highschool! He worked a long and hard job for hardly nothing. At times we had only $10.00 a week for groceries,on a "good" week it would be $20.00 for groceries and household supplies. And don't get me started on our Maine experience. UUGGG UGGG UGGG UUGGG UGGG. Seriously! Looking back now, I honestly don't know how we made it. Dan and I both agree, back then, we had NO clue what love was. We've grown to love each other, and we're growing more and more in love with each other the more we learn about each other.We were not thinking about LOVE back then. It was the other L-word. The hormones were ragging, need I say more...Moving on. It would be great to not of had to struggle the way we did. And I'm sure there's others out there that struggled in worse circumstances than what we did. Still, why must there be hard times? I've been thinking about that question alot lately. And I think the lightbulb is finally going off at the moment in this brain of mine. If we (I) never have any hard times, then how do we (I) ever learn, and growup (in character)as individuals and as a couple. If there are never times of uncertainty, doubt, and fear, then how will I ever learn to truly trust God with my whole heart and life? Not just in my life, but in Haleighs, Kristens, Jared's...my WHOLE family.I'm still struggling, believe me... I can only hope and pray I'm learning through this process...

We'll keep how old Gramzie is to myself thank you...
Dan and I are going to be celebrating, rejoicing, etc...this summer 20 years of marriage
He was 18 and I was 16 when we married.
...ahem...getting the ole calculator out, well, well...
btw, the "word verification" was, I am telling the truth..
it starts to get confusing when you ask a mom how old a baby is and you get38 weeks or 28 months. you have to sit there and do math in your head or just nod and grin. Erin is 10 1/2 months and Ian is almost 4. That sounds nice and simple. And wow on your old budget. When Chris and I first moved to OK, we were getting groceries and house and baby stuff for the 3 of us with 60 or 70 (yes, $$) a month. Now, I have no clue how God did it, but no one was ever hungry. Pretty amazing. And I am all astonishment at your vague references to the "Maine Experiment." Whoa!
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