We had an amazing LOOONNGGG weekend. It was wonderful. We were suppose to go camping down south at the Alafia State Park. However, when we tried to make the reservations, the whole campground was already full. OOOPPPSSS, way to plan ahead. O well. Anyway, our friends graciously let us come over to their beautiful homestead. So, we loaded up Rocky & the boys and headed for Camp Cohen.We were treated like royalty. I even utilized the camp spa treatment for my aching body. We did some off road biking. Yes it was the Cohen Family and the Dickinsons, and T-Roy braving the elements to outwit and outlast the bike trails in Santos. We had a ball.Some of the trails posted an EXPERT sign. NAY....OOPS. I guess we should of paid attention to the signs alittle better.( one back and hinee was put to the ultimate test, but the rider was victorious....Great Skills Mr. Cohen!!)
Our weekend of adventure was far from over. We went swimming, played board games, worked on music, and shot potatoes through the air with a potatoe gun. WOW!!
Amazing what alittle PVC pipe, and hairspray can do. It was quite educational for the munchkins and it helped detour pesky critters wandering about. I don't have pictures. I forgot the camera at the house on Friday night. OOPPS!! Dan and I were suppose to get to the camp at around 5 that night, however, Dan's best friend from high school called us on Thursday and asked if we wanted to meet in Orlando for dinner. It had been 9 years since they saw each other. So in all the excitment of driving back from Orlando on Friday night and switching vehicles at 12:30 in the morning, I forgot the camera. Oh, well. Anyway, we had a wonderful Labor day weekend. I'm not sure how much 'laboring'we did, but if having so much FUN with family and friends is considered labor, then we did exactly that.
Sorry I am just now seeing your post honey. It is great as usual. We will have to post some video of bugs sitting up playing.
Your right Camp Cohen Resort was awsome. The ammenities were the best! Any way, I love you baby.
Great pictures of Haleigh as always! She is so beautiful.
Sounds like the Labor Day backup camping plan was more exciting than the original plan could have possibly been. Isn't God wonderful?
Sunday night's meal was the best! :D
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