This weekend, we went back to Pickens, South Carolina, with our pastor and lovely wife (J.D. and Margie Hatfield) to conquer Table Rock Mountain.

YEE HAW!!!!! What a challenge.

Dan and I thought this would be a good tester to see just how "prepared" we are for our 76 mile hike coming up this fall. Well, we both received a serious reality check. We did make it all the way up to the top and back,

however, we definetly are looking at the upcoming hike alittle differently. It's time for some SERIOUS hiking prep. Dan carried about 45 pounds on his back up Table Rock, and I carried a WHOPPING maybe 7. It was quite comfortable though. But after talking to our friends who have hiked numerous trails across the U.S.A. including the Foothills Trail, the average hiker carries 1/5 of their weight in their pack. That's about 25 pounds for me....UUUGGGG!!!! Needless to say, Dan and I both have realized just how challenging this is going to be and to increase our training for the fall hike, DRASTICALLY!!! It's time to enroll in the THUNDERBOLT TRAINING PROGRAM...yikes. Right now we are continuing our endurance training using the Mountaineer Stair Climber, and now are adding walking with our backpacks loaded with 1/5 of our weight. This should be interesting for me. I wonder if I'll make it past the drive way?
Strenuous workout! Beautiful scenery! With that sort of weight on my back I probably wouldn't make it past the driveway! :D
It was a great trip and I'm glad we "made it". Thanks again for the opportunity and adventure (this word took on an entire new meaning for me).
Well, I am alive in Christ and still alive to make a comment, so I guess it isn't all bad...
Yeah!!!! So, can I safely say you two may possibly entertain the idea, that maybe, you would go on another adventure with us in the future. Maybe not 100% hiking related, but a short walk to something awe inspiring...No, that doesn't include the Texan Steakhouse, but maybe that can be the ending of an adventure...
That is absolutely gorgeous. And scary! I'm sure everyone's glad for the bite of reality. 76 miles?! Crazy! That's why God invented golf carts....
Happy recovery! And kudos for the victory.
Okay, after looking at the pics I need to enroll in the Thunderbolt extreme program of excercise.
Those pictures are awe inspiring in several ways; in the beauty of God and in the reality of what I have signed up for.
AAHH! Well you only get one life to fit adventures into right :-)
Way to go, Gramzie & Gramps!! Now that you have accomplished this, just maybe Haleigh's GREAT-GREAT Granny will come up & you guys can take me hiking. I think around the yard once or twice might do the trick.
I love you guys very much, and am very proud of all of you.
Granny Keenan
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