What have we gotten ourselves into, has been the phrase floating around amongst us lately. With our impending trip rapidly approaching, we have decided to kick up our training, drastically. And, since all of us hikers involved in this crazy adventure have not been diligent in training alone, we've decided to meet 3 times a week, and hold each other accountable. OUCH! So, on Saturday, Dan, Tammi, and I set time aside for some serious training! Dan picked out a trail that was 7 miles long. So we put our loaded packs on and ventured into the woods eager to push these bodies to the limit and see how they would react. Well, surprisingly enough, we all woke up Sunday morning, and are not sore, at all. HALLELUJAH. So, we have either not pushed hard enough, have conditioned alittle with what minimal training we have been doing, or our bodies are just waiting for us to relax only to turn on us in pure rebellion in order to possibly prevent this crazy expedition. Now don't misunderstand, this WAS challenging in almost 90 degree weather. We made plans to avoid the scorching sun by starting our hike at 7:30 a.m. Well, that time came and went and we stepped foot onto the Citrus Trail, Loop D at 8:40 a.m.
Needless to say, we DID NOT miss the brain frying sun, and the last mile seemed to almost do all of us in. I know, we live in the SUNSHINE state, but for those who are not used to the direct sun beating down on you, know that there are certain times of the day, that if you can avoid this appointment, then your better off scheduling activites when the sun is not out blazing in all its glory. Well, we did not, and even though our car was only parked a mile away, this girl was tempted to hitch a ride with the next available mode of transportation that did not require me to exert anymore energy to get to where I needed to go. Though it was tough, I have to admit, it was worth the effort and energy. We hiked in the Withlacoochee Forest, about 10 minutes from the house. Parts of the forest were quite pretty for Florida.
It's not Table Rock, but still pretty for Florida. We did see some wildlife...moths, butterflies,
a baby turtle, and a deer.
Oh, and we saw the most welcoming and pretty red truck in front of us, not too far ahead, that brought hope and alittle happiness to us weary hikers, that yes indeed, we managed and survived this test of endurance.
So, maybe we're not as crazy as we thought...MAYBE?
The jury is still out!
I'm sayin...
we can do it!!! I think.....
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