Well, my baby is now 15 years old. WOW! I'm getting old. We decided, since for the past 10 years we have not been in Florida for his birthday, that we would have a party for Alex and a few friends. So, Alex for the past couple of weeks, has been planning and inviting, etc...We told him to let us know what he wanted to do, the menu, the place, etc...He decided to have the party at the house with 26 of his friends and family. Alex and his band,
made their debut in the backyard on the patio. It was awesome. Food, Family, Friends, new talent bursting forth, exciting right? Well,yes, yes, yes, and not quite. Apparently, three of our neighbors, whether it be on our road, or three streets over did not appreciate the young lads budding talent. Yes, it's a first for the Dickinson family. We had the Citrus County Police called out to the Dickinson residents for disturbing the peace. However, the officer was great, and said the boys sounded great, his son is a drummer as well, but it IS his RESPONSIBILITY to respond to all calls. SO, he did. We agreed to do whatever the man in blue advised us to do in order to not give ALex the memory of his parents being hauled off to jail to make our parental point of "But officer, it's only 5 p.m. The noise ordinance is not effective till after 11P.M." Long story short, the officer completely understood, and said since the party ended at 7, to pretend he was never here. SWEET!
SO, ALex and the band, played one last song to commemorate his 15th Birthday and hopefully, prayerfully, his last encounter with the Citrus County police.
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