Well, I went back to work this week. SAD!!!! It was time to get back into a routine.
I have to say I was excited to show my clients all the pictures of Haleigh. This week I had two clients give Kristen money to buy Haleigh something. WOW! It's not everyday you go to work and your clients bless your daughter who they never met before with a GENEROUS gift for her daughter. What a blessing. I've shared stories with them about my family and everything else, but WOW, come on, what do you say to that, except, God is gracious and wonderful.
Well, Haleigh is getting acquainted quite well with her doctor and his staff. She's been to his office every week at least once. He put her on Albuterol via...The NEBULIZER. EEKKKK! That thing is intimating to me, I can only imagine what this three week old is thinking when this steam blowing vapor monster is coming towards her face. She's suppose to inhale what this thing is blowing at her. Yuck! Oh, to know what babies dream of.

Well, I have to say, watching our sons Sean and Alex interact with her is precious. Oh, and by the way for you music enthusiasts, we've recently found out that Haleigh and her PopPop have similar talents in producing music WITHOUT instruments,(if you know what I mean). I don't know if its the medicine she's on, or what, but her and PopPop share this bond that puts the trumpet, horn, and other "wind" and "percussion" instruments to shame. Simply EXPLOSIVE.
Well, PopPop has been experimenting with making beef jerky. Yum Yum. I know he's just itching to get a hold of Haleigh to give her a taste test. When Haleigh's mommy was little, Dan a.k.a. PopPop tasted everything from milk to medicine before it touched Kristen's mouth. By the time the boys had arrived, he wasn't as enthusiatic to taste test.However, he was eager even more to get the kids to start tasting HIS food, steak,potatoes, broccoli, in the bottle? Can we do that?
The house is alive with the sound of music...
Hi gramzie, it's me, toot toot. I mean pop pop! What can I say? I think it is good to get babies eating real food early. It didn't hurt our kids. Look at Kristen. Ok, not a good example! Look at Sean. Ok, not so good either. Maybe Alex will turn out alright!
Love you Gramzie!
Hilarious! You are a very good writer. uhh, we do know what you mean! uh hmmm. :(
God is indeed very gracious and wonderful.
How is Haleigh? Feeling much better we hope and pray.
We have a nebulizer too, for Chris and it is a wonderful thing. It's good as a vaporizer too, if you just put water in it. But I'm sure it doesn't make any sense to new babydoll as to why she needs an up close and personal meet and greet. Enjoy reading your blog; it made me smile. And we could tell smelly stories of our own, but don't want to face any retribution (as in, they'll tattle on me if I tattle on them...whoops!).
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