April 7th, 2008. I'm sitting here, creating my blog, while my 2 week old granddaughter Haleigh is taking time for a quick snoozie before Mom and Dad return from the grocery store. She's soooo cute. It's hard to believe my daughter, Kristen, is a mom. It just seems like yesterday that I was sitting on the couch, watching Kristen napping. How time flies by. It's scary that my daughter is looking to me for help on how to care for this new little bundle her and her hubby have been blessed with. I don't know about anyone else out in bloggerville, but looking back, I see so many things in the parenting department I would go back and do different.. And now that I'm a grandmother (Gramzie), and my daughter is the mommy now , I guess my little Gramzie nugget for today for Kristen and Jared is... CHERISH EVERY MOMENT WITH HALEIGH. The good, the bad, and everything in between because before you know it, they'll be the ones, sitting on the couch, looking at their new grandbaby.
April 7, 2008
Where Did The Time Go?
April 7th, 2008. I'm sitting here, creating my blog, while my 2 week old granddaughter Haleigh is taking time for a quick snoozie before Mom and Dad return from the grocery store. She's soooo cute. It's hard to believe my daughter, Kristen, is a mom. It just seems like yesterday that I was sitting on the couch, watching Kristen napping. How time flies by. It's scary that my daughter is looking to me for help on how to care for this new little bundle her and her hubby have been blessed with. I don't know about anyone else out in bloggerville, but looking back, I see so many things in the parenting department I would go back and do different.. And now that I'm a grandmother (Gramzie), and my daughter is the mommy now , I guess my little Gramzie nugget for today for Kristen and Jared is... CHERISH EVERY MOMENT WITH HALEIGH. The good, the bad, and everything in between because before you know it, they'll be the ones, sitting on the couch, looking at their new grandbaby.
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Well said...
I'm so proud of you gramzie! Time did indeed fly by. It is the beginning of a new era for us and an opportunity to teach our children to cherish this time more so than we did so they don't have to wait until they are grandparents to start enjoying the blessing that God has given them.
Love PopPop
Hi Gramzie! Haleigh says hi and she loves you!
Hey Momma yeah I like this whole new blogging stuff, it's cool that your coming home tonight cause I haven't seen you since like Monday. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to You and Kristen more often because it's boring at the house cause nobody comes over anymore,anyways see you when you get here tonight.
Love you
Hi there Gramzie, it's just me your big sis. Just read your blog and I think it is so cool that you are doing this. I still can't believe you are a Grandma. It seems not so long ago that we were just young kids playing with baby dolls. Where did the time go? Well sis I love you and and am proud of the beautiful daughter you have raised. She'll do great.
Love, Your big sister
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