April 11, 2008

Haleighs family scrapbook

Well, today I'll be going home and spending the weekend with my hubby and my boys. I've truly enjoyed spending this time with my daughter Kristen, Haleigh, and my son-in-law Jared. I'm truly blessed by God with such a wonderful family. I'm alittle sad to be leaving, but know that mama bird has to let my baby girl spread her wings and fly. She has her own little baby bird to teach now. I'm confident in leaving Kristen and Jared to the task of parenting little Haleigh Bug. It's been a joy to watch these two interact with their daughter. It reminds me of my husband and I when we brought Kristen home for the first time. We were scared to death! Eventually that was replaced with sleepless nights, and moments of happy bliss as she reached each milestone in her developement. Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and exhausting blessings one can have. For now, I'll spend the rest of the day, talking with my daughter, loving on Haleigh, and looking forward to a good night sleep. This Gramzie is exhausted... it was worth it. Thank you Kristen and Jared for letting me share with you this intimate and special time with Haleigh Bug. Love Mom


Dan said...

How cool! It's like pop-up video! Yes, sadly I still remember pop-up videos from mtv from when you and I were still teens. I sure will be glad to have you back home.
I love you baby!

MrsEvenSo... said...

The scrapbook is so cool! I love it! What a neat thing to do. You did a great job Gramzie. Now go home and get some rest, uh...yeah..., like that's gonna happen! Hah!